June 30th, 2009 at 03:08 pm
1. Keep Grocery/Lunch Expenses under $150. Update: lowered to $120
2. Set up and keep vet appointment
3. Take inventory of items to sell (craigslist?)
4. Place advertisement for items to be sold
5. Plan out BF's birthday surprise
6. Run 4 times a week
7. Loose 5 pounds
8. Learn something new/interesting in my field of interest each week (so that's 4 ish topics -doable)
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June 26th, 2009 at 03:23 pm
Yes that happened. If that's possible. To start with, yesterday I went for a run and ran 1.75 miles in 22 minutes. I didn't push myself too hard, so I know I could have done better.
After the run, I got myself a personal size veggie pizza from Subway like I always do on Thursdays after my run. It's my treat to myself. 
Then I started to tackle my decluttering project and you will not believe the amount of papers shredded, amount of random little things set aside to toss out, amount of labeling that went on. I stored away all of my winter stuff under my bed in the under bed storage thingo. I sorted my laundry to be done, went through mail.
I also need to do something about this printer I have. What can I do with a printer (a cheap kind but with brand new cartridge) that I just do not want anymore? I suppose I can give it away to Salvation army? I ask because nobody is going to want to buy that piece of clunky printer - actually, they won't take it even if I pay them to probably. It's not that it's too big, but its just in the way. I don't even use the printer at home. I have a very small desk and I like to keep the surface of it clear. I will call up my neighborhood Salvation army and ask them I suppose.
I also have an old bike that I need to get rid of, not because I don't want it, but because it's taking up space and I don't use it often. If I was to sell it, I couldn't possibly get more than $30. But I have read about this organization
Text is http://www.p4p.org/ and Link is
http://www.p4p.org/: pedals for progress , so I might just donate it to them.
Next step in my decluttering project is to make a list of things to donate, things to sell and things to toss. This is not a short project, I am sure it will take some weeks since I haven't even gotten to my hall way closet and kitchen and books that seem to have taken over my place and the cds I mentioned yesterday. Anyway, long story short, I got so carried away, I couldn't go to sleep on time because I didn't want to leave things all jumbled up and now today I am paying the price with lack of sleep and crabbiness.
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